Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nokia to cut 1800 jobs

Nokia is making porfits on there new smart phone that cost the least. The profits are up but the last few years Nokia had lost money from there phones so that is why people have let go. This is the biggest change since they got a new manager recently. They want to focus on cost so they let go the 1800 people. the biggest reason is because they fell to much in the market.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yahoo trade

Yahoo shares are up and the same thing is happening to AOL. AOL is talking about buying out yahoo for a lager number then Microsoft tried two years ago. The CEO quit two years ago and a new one has come in. AOL think that they have a chance of buying out the company.

Bowling for Colombine essay

The media is scaring you Americans into homicides

            America's media is promoting fear in to the minds of Americans which in fact is one of the reasons why Americans have so many homicides. In the Movie Bowling for Columbine the fact is said over and over again that the fear in media is making people kill other people. The directer puts some motifs in his movie that relates to this fact. Michale Moore goes to a shooting in la and talks to cops and reporters about the incident. The news is show some times in this movie and the clips of the news is of fear and telling people the scary things that happen in their town. The final supporting motif is of South Park and how it shows fear in the clips shown. These motifs are a good supporting ideas of the thesis that is stated.

            The cops and reports are always doing something that has to do with fear. During the movie Michale Moore went to a shooting in LA and talked to the cops and a reporter about the news and why this came ahead of other stories and why the cops are more worried about the shooting then other crimes. Michale Moore talks to the cops about why they would take priority of this gun shooting instead of other crimes that are not as big but still are important in the world. The cop has no answer and said that the other crime was not important. When he talked to the reporter he said that in the media an thing that has to do with guns gets top priority. This is how the media is making the viewers scared and making them homicidal.

           The evening news is showing all the homicides and scaring people with them. The media comes up a lot in this movie but especially the news. The News is a commonly used motif that Michale Moore uses to tell the audience that the media is putting fear in to peoples minds. There are a lot if news broadcasters in this movie that over and over again are talking about fear and shoving it at the viewers. The one person talks about the gun shooting in LA and the other one talks about how many guns and how easy it is to hid guns in someones pants. The news broadcasters are given people fear.

         South Park is one of the motifs that Moore uses to demonstrate that Media brings fear into the viewers minds. There are three times that South park is shown. The first time is the entry that shows people hurting themselves and a homeless person on the sidewalk. The second time is an interview with the writer and he says that he let his anger and his frustration out when he created the episodes. The third and final example is they use South Park to explain the history of the united states and the violence that when the Americans first came over it was to get rid of fear but they were scared when they arrived because of the natives. The clips shown are fear full and are making Americans more violent.

          Michale Moore is a great film producer that uses many motifs and examples to get his point across. The movie main thesis is that the media is bring fear into the viewers minds and that is a big reason why there is so many homicides. he uses three motifs. The cops and reporters taking guns and anything with fear in it first before other less fear full topics. The news is shown and is always show with fear in the stories. Michale Moore goes to Colorado to show the shooting at Columbine and well there he talks to the guy who made South Park. south park is a motif in the movie that states fear in the clips they show. There are lots of motifs in this movie and more then three that support the thesis but the three that this essay is talking about are the main or big motifs that Michale Moore uses and show to state his point. That is what Michale Moore thinks what about you, why is there so many homicides?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

essay linear outline

my thesis Americans are promoted fear from the media and that is one of the reasons there are so many shootings.

A big topic that suports this is guns and how they are the top news stories and how easy it is to acurie one.
an example was when he  was on the street and asked the guy about the smoke and how the gun takes first priorety

South Park is showen alot in the movie and all the clips are ment to put fear into peoples mind and that is one of the big reasons for all the fellonies in the states, according to the moive.
the example was when they used south park to tell the history of america

In the states the news is watches lots and by many, the government and the news brodcaters shove fear at americans minds, this is most of the news and the news stories go in order from most scary and lots of deaths to not much searious.
the news the one day whas of the 6 year old shooting

Monday, October 4, 2010

Toshiba 3D tv

             Today the company Toshiba unveiled there 3-D TV to the world. This TV uses no glasses and you can get a better 3-D effect from it. The TV is only 12 inch and 20 inch versions because the science is not good enough to make a large version. The price of the TV is high because it is new and has not been seen before now. You must sit with in 35 inches of the big one and 25 inches for the smaller one. This TV is only on market in japan in December it is only a model until then.