Tuesday, October 5, 2010

essay linear outline

my thesis Americans are promoted fear from the media and that is one of the reasons there are so many shootings.

A big topic that suports this is guns and how they are the top news stories and how easy it is to acurie one.
an example was when he  was on the street and asked the guy about the smoke and how the gun takes first priorety

South Park is showen alot in the movie and all the clips are ment to put fear into peoples mind and that is one of the big reasons for all the fellonies in the states, according to the moive.
the example was when they used south park to tell the history of america

In the states the news is watches lots and by many, the government and the news brodcaters shove fear at americans minds, this is most of the news and the news stories go in order from most scary and lots of deaths to not much searious.
the news the one day whas of the 6 year old shooting

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