Friday, September 10, 2010


Conglomerate-a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition. An example would be Viacom.

Demographic-a section of the population sharing common characteristics, such as age, sex, class, etc An example would be a group of Males who like rap.

Early Adopter-Some one who starts something. An example would be a trend setter.

Coolhunting- Some one who searches for cool. An example would be some one who looks for what cool people wear.

The paradox of Coolhunting- Kills what it finds. An example is if a cool hunter finds a cool shirt is is no longer cool.

Synergy- The act of needing each other. An example is Disney and McDonald's are in synergy: they need each other.

Horizontal Integration-Horizontal integration in marketing is much more common than vertical integration is in production. Horizontal integration occurs when a firm is being taken over by, or merged with, another firm which is in the same industry and in the same stage of production as the merged firm. An example is live Viacom to MTV.

Ancillary Markets-In the American television industry the term "ancillary markets" generally refers to markets for feature films created by new television technologies.An example is the new Disney movie.
The feedback loop-The kids give feed back and then the company use it and then the kids use the company so the work in a loop. An example is that i tell a company what is cool then i do what they say is cool.

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